Krämer Groep
Leave the building to us

Legal inspections

Several inspections are required by law. Krämer Groep can carry out these inspections for you without any problem. In addition to this, it is advisable to have professional inspections done with regard to other matters as well. The inspections provide valuable information about the state of repair. On the basis of the findings you will be able to make well-substantiated decisions about the maintenance you would like to have done.

Legal inspections


Fire extinguishers

You are required by law to have your fire extinguishers checked every 2 years. The NEN 2559 norm advises that you do this every year. Research shows that 1 out of 14 fire extinguishers does not work the moment it should.

Escape route marking

You are also required by law to check and maintain the escape route marking every year. This has been included in the Occupancy Decree.

Legionella (legionnaires’ disease)

Legislation with regard to working conditions obliges companies to take effective measures to prevent or limit exposure to legionella bacteria. In practice this means that an expert party must check all the installations and the water in these installations and keep them clean.


Do you have an air-conditioning installation with cooling capacity of 12kW or more? Then you are required to have it inspected every 5 years.

Other inspections

Above-mentioned inspections are required by law. If you not only look at what is legally required but also what is sensible, then a number of other inspections are important. Certainty through statistics. By inspecting regularly, you can act in time and avoid unexpected costs or calamities.



You can prevent most leakage problems if you have the roofing checked annually. We specifically check the seams, the roof edges, signs of frost damage, bubbles, folds and tears. Also lead, zinc, roof gutters and roof glands are checked. We can clean the roof for you too in combination with the roof inspection.


Inspection of the facade includes:

  • Brickwork
  • Window frames
  • Ironware
  • Paintwork
  • Sealing
  • Glazing
  • Sun screens



Inside your building there are also matters that require regular checks:

  • Lighting
    Due to safety, lamps must be replaced on time.
  • Inner doors. Checking and oiling hinges, handles, locks and door closers.
Krämer Groep Computerweg 13 | 3542 DP Utrecht
Telephone: 088-1157700 | Fax: 088-1157720
Part of Krämer Groep: Krämer Bouw

MOG Service & Onderhoud bv

Verbeek Aannemersbedrijf bv

Z.A Overhage

G.B. van Hoek

Our Certification VCA ISO9001 Certificering